KAHI implements a healthy living program to ensure that our students and their families have access to nutritious food. These children and their families cannot meet the challenge of their daily bread. Hence, providing proper nutrition for their growth is preparing them for the future.
Ensuring regular school enrollment and continuing attendance remains a problem across the underprivileged communities of our country. Instead of going to school, parents send their children to work outside to buy food and support their families. KAHI School & Community Feeding Programme aimed to improve school attendance and performance while reducing hunger and food scarcity in the community. Thus, the community can be engaged with their schools for a longer time and be healthy at the same time.
Here at KAHI, we provide boiled eggs, bananas, buns, biscuits, nuts, dates, guavas, apples & oranges to all students of each KAHI School around the country. Around 4,000 KAHI students are part of our School Feeding Program. Through the discussion regarding the daily food intake, students are conscious of eating nutritious food and living a healthy life. Parents are delighted to receive such support from our schools regularly. They are also getting aware of the nutritional requirements of their children. We also teach them mandatory dining etiquette. From washing hands with soap before meals to dumping waste materials in the bins, they know it all now.